10 @ 10

10 @ 10

Bhí Céilí Mór againn sa scoil ar an 10 Feabhra mar chuid de scéim ‘Operation Transformation’  10@10. Chuamar go léir amach sa chlós ag damhsa. Bhí an-chraic againn!!...
10 @ 10

10 @ 10

In conjunction with Operation Transformation we participated in the 10 @ 10 project where schools were involved in 10 minutes of activity on the 10th February. Our school held a Céilí Mór and we had great...
Pet Talk by Gillian Bird (DSPCA)

Pet Talk by Gillian Bird (DSPCA)

On Wednesday 15th of February Gillian Bird of the DSPCA visited our school and talked to the boys and girls about caring for our pets. She brought giant snails with her and many of the children had great fun holding these pets. We spoke to her about all our pets and...
Frásaí Sa Bhaile

Frásaí Sa Bhaile

Suitable phrases that you might try to use at home: Frásaí Sa Bhaile Dia Dhuit  /  Dia is Muire Dhuit                   Hello Oíche Mhaith                                            Good night Dia dhuit ar maidin                                   Good morning Conas...