Ms. Shannon’s 3rd Class make Lava Lamps

Ms. Shannon’s 3rd Class make Lava Lamps

Ms. Shannon’s 3rd class made lava lamps using a 1.5L bottle, vegetable oil, water, food colouring and an alka seltzer tablet.When the tablet was added to the mixture it sank to the bottom and started dissolving and creating gas.  As the bubbles rose they...
Primary Science for 5th Classes

Primary Science for 5th Classes

Our fifth classes were invited to the CBS Secondary School in Arklow to take part in their Primary Science lessons. The boys and girls had two classes each and thoroughly enjoyed the Science.        
Shoeboxes for local Heart to Hand Appeal

Shoeboxes for local Heart to Hand Appeal

Our boys and girls at St. Joseph’s are amazing and so kind. They brought lots of lovely wrapped and filled shoeboxes to school for the Heart to Hand Christmas Appeal 2018 run by Kieran Byrne in Scarnagh, Inch. Thank you to all the boys, girls and parents for...
Hell and Back Fundraiser

Hell and Back Fundraiser

A Huge thank you to all those who took part in the ‘Hell and Back’ in September 2018 to raise funds for our Special Classes for Children with Autism. The event raised a staggering €5,700 for the boys and girls and will undoubtedly help us to provide extra...