Our Fifth classes were invited by the Arklow CBS to take part in Primary Science classes. We were delighted and each of our 5th classes traveled to the CBS for 2 classes. Here are some photos of Mrs. Madden’s pupils at the classes.
Our School is closed on Thursday 1st March and Friday 2nd March 2018 due to Direction from the Minister of Education in response to Weather Alert.
The wonderful Children’s Art was exhibited to the Parents and public during December 2017. The children thoroughly enjoyed creating their Art work and bringing their parents to School to see it proudly displayed. We have some budding Artists among...
Our Fifth and Sixth classes took part in an Action Energy Day held in the school by Gavin Harte. The Pedal Energy Day was a great way to highlight all the work our Green School team have done towards gaining our Energy Flag. The presentation was impressive and...
You can read our December Newsletter by clicking the link below Newsletter December 2017
The Arklow Bay Hotel is running a fundraising night for our school and St. John’s NS on St. Stephen’s Night. Tickets will be on sale from next week. Details to follow. If anyone is willing to sell tickets please let us know.