Maths Week 2024 βž•βž–βœ–βž—

Maths Week 2024 βž•βž–βœ–βž—

Here are our Mathscots from Maths Week. We had Matthew Multiply, Gus the Plus and Monkey Minus in the photo of three. We all enjoyed Maths Week here in St. Joseph’s. Some of the classes took part in maths trails, maths quizzes and webinars. Some of the older...
Random Acts of Kindness πŸ’•

Random Acts of Kindness πŸ’•

October was ‘BΓ­ CineΓ‘lta’ Month. During the month the children were very busy filling each other’s buckets with random acts of kindness. Great fun was had by all.
Rugby Blitz in Arklow Rugby Club πŸ‰πŸ‰

Rugby Blitz in Arklow Rugby Club πŸ‰πŸ‰

On Friday 11th October our Sixth Class pupils travelled to Arklow Rugby Club to participate in a blitz against three other schools. The girls and boys played very well and did an amazing job representing our school. Maith sibh Rang a SΓ© πŸ‘